Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch

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CACPC: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

The Central Alberta Crime Prevention Centre​ is committed to offering crime prevention training opportunities that help create a strong network of trained crime prevention professionals in Central Alberta. They offer CPTED certificate courses, both Basic & Advanced, virtually, in a classroom, or at your location.

ENW Annual General Meeting

The Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch Program Society will be holding the company's Annual General Meeting on Saturday, October 30, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. ENW community representatives, members, and volunteers are invited as well as various community leagues and other affiliates. This invite is sent via email and all attendees must RSVP by Thursday,Read More

National Community Safety and Crime Prevention Month

Canada Safety Council dedicates the month of November to safety topics that affect the community. Whether it takes the shape of crime prevention safety tips or cyber-safety, the annual campaign offers advice to Canadians to live in security within their own community.

Veterans’ Week

Veterans' Week is a week dedicated to honour those who have served Canada in times of war, military conflict and peace. Click here to learn more about Veterans' Week.

National Senior Safety Week

Seniors can face many difficulties as they grow older. National Senior Safety Week is dedicated to increasing awareness on maintaining a healthy and safe environment for the elderly. Click here to learn more about National Senior Safety Week and click here for safety tips for seniors.

International Day for Tolerance

"Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human." - Declaration of Principles on Tolerance Learn more about the significance of this day here.

National Child Day

National Child Day is celebrated on November 20th each year.  National Child Day has been celebrated across Canada since 1993 to commemorate the United Nations' adoption of two documents centered on children's rights: the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1959, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child onRead More

Canada History Week 2021: Indigenous History

Canada History Week 2021 will occur from November 22 to 28. This year, Canada History Week aims to focus on Indigenous History and highlight stories of Indigenous languages, culture, and leadership. The week aims to encourage Canadians to reflect upon and engage with Canada’s past. Click here to learn more.

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence

Every year, from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to December 10 (World Human Rights Day), Canadians observe the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. It is an opportunity to come together to call out, speak up and renew our commitment to end gender-based violence. Learn more about itRead More

Senior Brunch Block Party

Strathcona Community League Hall 10139 87 ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

ENW Ambassador Representative Training


ENW is hosting a virtual training for ENW ambassadors/representatives/members in which ENW introduces tips on crime prevention while training attendees on becoming ENW partners. Don’t Miss This Event! RSVP to admin@enwatch.ca TODAY!

Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Day, let's take a moment of silence to stand still, reflect and honour veterans. Click here to learn more about Remembrance Day and veterans.