Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch

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Join Us for “Seniors Afternoon” at Capilano Community League!

Capilano Community League 10810 54th Street, Edmonton

Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch is  thrilled to be part of the upcoming "Seniors Afternoon" at Capilano Community League on Sunday, May 5th. This event offers a fantastic opportunity to connect with the senior members of the Capilano community, featuring a mini trade show from 12:00 to 1:45 pm and guest speakers Bob Layton and Shane BlakleyRead More


Community League Day

Community League Day is an annual city-wide celebration held on the third Saturday in September that brings community and volunteers together to make great things happen in our city. It is a day to celebrate communities and encourage more people to get involved, especially through becoming League members. Come out, invite a friend and meetRead More

EFCL: Programs and Events Directors | Group Mentorship Café

Join the Program and Events Directors Café to share ideas on what to do with your community and how to coordinate activities. Learn how other Community League members do what they do. Get together to share ideas, skills, resources and experiences to help each other succeed. The Group Mentorship Café is a series of virtualRead More