Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch

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Community Representative

Community Representative

A Community Representative is a volunteer for a single community league that trains to be a local Neighbourhood Watch “expert” for their community .  The ENW model includes a Community Representative(s) for each community league in the city.  ENW provides training, resources and ongoing support to that Community Representative.  It is the Community Representative that brings the programs, resources and initiatives to the people living in that community.

The Community Representative receives training and resources available through ENW to provide in their own community league. Each community league is encouraged to have a Community Representative(s). To become a Community Representative there are five basic requirements. The person in the position must:

  • be approved by both ENW and the community league or community group. It is an appointment by ENW and an endorsement from the Community League Board or established community group. 
  • be/become a member of ENW.
  • pass a Police Information Check (PIC) for volunteers conducted by the Edmonton Police Service.
  • have internet access and communicate regularly by email.
  • attend a training session conducted by ENW & EPS.

Community Reps attend an initial training session to learn about the programs, resources and to become familiar with what is available to help with crime prevention at the community level.  This training is provided free by ENW to Community Reps.  After the initial training, Community Reps need to attend an update training approximately every 12-18 months. All Community Reps are encouraged to attend the AGM and the annual Appreciation event. All are provided free of charge to Community Reps.

Community Reps work directly with ENW staff and can access assistance and direction when needed. All ENW print materials are available to the Community Reps to be used and distributed in the community. Additional lending materials are also available to the Community Reps such as stand-up banners, lawn signs, identification cards, display boards and more.